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Need a Better Solution

Submitted by Alba Onze, Nov 19, 2014 10:41

The U.S. convicted Odeh, which will stop her from recruiting and agitating for the Palestinian terrorists here, but when she is deported back to the Middle East, she will start right back in a similar role in supporting terrorism. This is a global problem that needs a global solution. She should be incarcerated at one of the maximum security prisons in the U.S. until such time that Palestininians, Hamas, and Hezbollah are no longer a threat to American citizens or our allies anywhere in the world (I write this just after reading about her colleagues' attack on a place of worship in Jeruselem that killed 3 Americans).

She is dangerous. The people who support her are dangerous. And the Obama Administration,through its constant condemnation of democracy in the Middle East, is dangerous.


Need a Better Solution

Submitted by Alba Onze, Nov 18, 2014 12:27

The U.S. convicted Odeh, which will stop her from recruiting and agitating for the Palestinian terrorists here, but when she is deported back to the Middle East, she will start right back in a similar role in supporting terrorism. This is a global problem that needs a global solution. She should be incarcerated at one of the maximum security prisons in the U.S. until such time that Palestininians, Hamas, and Hezbollah are no longer a threat to American citizens or our allies anywhere in the world (I write this just after reading about her colleagues' attack on a place of worship in Jeruselem that killed 3 Americans).

She is dangerous. The people who support her are dangerous. And the Obama Administration,through its constant condemnation of democracy in the Middle East, is dangerous.


I was hoping this article was about Pakistan

Submitted by kalpak, Nov 16, 2014 01:01

Seeing the title, I was hoping this article was about Pakistan's duplicity, but then disappointed again.


Justice Served!

Nov 15, 2014 11:35

Odeh, goodby and good riddance!



Submitted by gary fouse, Nov 14, 2014 16:15

After seeing her before that crowd, I can only say I hope she is fully punished and when the justice system is done with her she is sent back to wherever she came from. What arrogance!


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Title By Date

Need a Better Solution [132 words]

Alba Onze 

Nov 19, 2014 10:41

Need a Better Solution [132 words]

Alba Onze 

Nov 18, 2014 12:27

I was hoping this article was about Pakistan [16 words]


Nov 16, 2014 01:01

Justice Served! [5 words]


Nov 15, 2014 11:35

Odeh [36 words]

gary fouse 

Nov 14, 2014 16:15

Justice [25 words]


Nov 14, 2014 16:00

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