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The Constitution calls it 'treason!'

Submitted by solomon wright, Feb 5, 2010 23:19

Please read the Constitution about treason. Treason committed destines one for prison. That's where Musa should be, prison for a long time!


Radical Movement's Leader Forecasts America's Demise

Submitted by Dr. O. P. Sudrania, Jan 1, 2010 22:39

Imam Abdul Alim Musa, as he appears externally, so beastly are his designs reflected from the every sentence in the above article. He claims and was an old time international drug dealer and smuggler with all its attendant crimes and vices that go without saying. Unfortunately he now heads a main mosque in Washington DC with his self created Islamic Organisation - As Sabiqun. I would use his few excerpts from above to highlight his dastardly mission:

(1) As the spotlight moves away from the Fort Hood massacre, one of America's most openly radical Islamist organizations has taken to the murderer's defense.

(2) As-Sabiqun, a Washington D.C.-based organization with branches in four other major American cities, released a flyer labeling shooter Nidal Malik Hasan as "victimized" and the "target of psychological warfare."

(3)The handout also defended convicted terrorists and suspects.

(4) ...Imam Abdul Alim Musa, is well-known in Islamist circles for spreading anti-American propaganda and militancy. Last weekend, Musa addressed the annual conference of the Muslim Students Association – Persian Speaking group, a Shia branch of the national Muslim Students Association primarily for Shia Muslims. There, Musa saluted the Iranian Revolution as the "greatest epic in modern, even ancient history" and urged the students to have patience as the United States collapsed:

(5) This is not the first time this year that Musa has preached hate and militancy to an American Muslim student organization.

(6) you know our brothers in Algeria and in Africa, they had fought the United States government, ... They knew about a revolution, but they didn't know nothing about money.

(7)Well, since I was a criminal, I knew all about making money. So all the criminl money that I made I would take it to the brothers and say – OK, you guys, buy me some weapons, you'll go back, we'll take over the United States. That was the dream that we had. You got to dream big. Ain't no sense in dreaming small, right? Live your dreams."

All these few excerpts speak volumes to any body who is sensitive and concerned for the human welfare and the values so dear to the concept of "Free World" we preach and live in. A stitch in time saves nine. I assert, the very foundations of 'Islam' need to be revamped and revised to make it compatible to the multicultural, multiethnic Modern Societies and World. I don't believe, the world is prepared to be subjugated by such open diehard criminals, who are spewing venom and are preparing to shook the the peace loving civilised World, in the name of religious barbarism. Then some others rise up to argue on their behalf, "Islam is a peace loving religion". But they do not go to stop them. In fact these guys are apparently funded by the Oil revenue, some suspect.

Dr. O. P. Sudrania


Radical Islam V World view

Submitted by Dr. O. P. Sudrania, Dec 28, 2009 22:43

Radical Movement's Leader Forecasts America's Demise

Read more at: http://www.investigativeproject.org/1553/radical-movements-leader-forecasts-americas-demise

I feel waste of time to further elaborate on this topic. I rather reitterate my final judgement that the world is at the brink of WWIII. I only pray to keep your tempo up. Please don't slow it down, I am sure, they will not disappoint me, seeing their bubbling flow of adrenaline.

Keep it up and the Almighty may bless you all.



Dec 17, 2009 11:54

I remember this kind of hate talk in the name of religion before and it did not overcome America. Smart people understood right from wrong and didn't participate in the trash. Some of those who used the hate talk back in the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's are still around today they just don't wear their white sheets in the open anymore since the majority of America denounced their racist talk as blind hate. We didn't condem a whole group of people back then because of a few with hate in their heart (in the name of their god) and I don't feel we should do it now.


American are Good People but ...

Dec 13, 2009 10:18

I am muslim from pakistan and happened to interact with american people . I have found american people as honest , hardworking and candid in their approach. i liked them a lot and i look upon them. but i am truly surprized by US rulers,and US multinational companies . They are ruthless to muslims in many countries and not good for american people. they do not represent american culture and values . I donot understand who these people are and how they are elected ?. They are no different to ruling elite of any third world country, they lack vision ,are self centered and egoist . they are illtreating people across globe particularly muslims. they are endagering their own people , coming generations. spending billion of dollars on weapons to loot other nations. they are bringing misery to other natios as well as own. i request them (US Rulers ) to live up to american values, lead the world , today you are the leaders , hard work of american people has made it possible.


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The Constitution calls it 'treason!' [22 words]

solomon wright 

Feb 5, 2010 23:19

Radical Movement's Leader Forecasts America's Demise [474 words]

Dr. O. P. Sudrania 

Jan 1, 2010 22:39

Radical Islam V World view [73 words]

Dr. O. P. Sudrania 

Dec 28, 2009 22:43



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American are Good People but ... [175 words]


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Dec 10, 2009 13:14

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Dec 5, 2009 10:18

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