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This is no success

Submitted by bob, Aug 25, 2016 16:55

For 20 some years the British have been trying to get this guy out of their country and he stands right on their streets and laughs at them now this is the best they can do - really !!!!! This is so pathic that a government can t get their head around on how to do get rid of this scum.


Muslim cleric sentencing

Submitted by Nevada Metherd, Aug 24, 2016 22:54

Solidarity confinement should work or a location where he cannot be effective,

like among aged men who can't do anything and are not getting out anytime soon.

Hard labor would be another good one. Breaking up rocks all day is healthy.


Mr. Dunleavy responds to reader's comments

Submitted by Patrick Dunleavy, Aug 22, 2016 12:11

The presence of radical Islamic clergy and its effect on the prison population had been cited in two investigative reports. The first by the Department of Justice's Inspector General in 2004. The second by the FBI's Counter Terrorism Division in 2006. Both are public records.


throw away the key!!

Submitted by Eric van Zaane, Aug 20, 2016 21:17

If they are hell bend on destructing our western society why do we give them the time of day,or indeed the light of day?

The best thing for thugs of his ilk is to be destroyed and quietly forgotten about.

Plenty of our young soldiers are scarred for live by what they see that these animals do to their own kind, let alone what is in store for us if they would ever get the upper hand.

It is time we stand up to all the do-gooders and bleeding hearts and get rid of scum like him, he has no rights, as they believe we do not in our own countries!!


Emotional Drivers of TERROR

Submitted by Jack Rainbow, Aug 20, 2016 05:09

"We know that one catalyst in the radicalisation process is the presence of unvetted Islamic clergy in prison mosques." Sorry to be in your face, Mr Dunleavy, but you are talking nonsense. What you are describing is relationships between fellow extremists. This is not an underlying cause of extremist behaviour. The relationships they form are to support one another's acting out, but their acting out is driven by pathologies developed much earlier. You need to understand how extreme behaviour is driven by childhood experience of cruelty, brutality, confinement and corporal punishment/physical assault which lead to emotional repression and dissociation in the adult. You need to think differently about the underlying causes of extreme behaviour, Mr Dunleavy, if you are to successfully treat it. You are focused on policing ideation and all that gets you is more ideation. To counter extremism you need to include understaning the relationship between childhood conditioning and emotional repression. Secondly, you need to use your understanding to develop a practical challenge to these unconscious emotional drivers. Without an emotional understanding your actions are nonsensical and utterly ineffective in creating change in pathologised individuals who associate by shared but unconscious rage, shame, despair and terror.


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