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Again attack and kill

Submitted by Rosie, Nov 6, 2015 01:41

Again we are in the same trap. Bhai Dipon had to pay for us with his blood and life. What a tragedy! We have observed that some of the ministers and law enforcers are very irresponsible. What could we expect from them? They have been "elected" by themselves. "Self declared" MPs and Ministers could not say or do more than what they have said and done up to now with these killings of the voices of the voiceless heros. What could we expect when we see the ENEMIES of our Historical Liberation War are in power, running the country? I have a very concrete example of the attitude of some of the ministers and MPs of the present government. The following is one from my talk with the ex-whip of AL on the 1st of January 2015 at 12:58pm. Hope

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Avwg t Gevi GKUv fvj K_v ej‡jb| ab¨ev'| Avwg †Póv Ki‡ev|

Today after Dipon was killed by the Islamists , his father, respected Prof. Abul Kashem Fazlul Haque did not want file any case knowing the outcome of the case, also from his life experience that he will never get justice and also he will never get back his only son. The home minister's comment is no way acceptable but a shocking comment. After several such incidents the home minister and some MPs gave such comment that all these are "split" or "isolated" incidents. Our PM also said that the country and law and order can not be judged by these few "isolated" incidents.

I feel that the ministers or the MPs are not losing any of their family members in the hands of those brutal butchers who use chapati to kill the bloggers, intellectuals, Mukto-mona writers, publishers and their supporters. The comments of ruling party members are encouraging the Islamist killers and protecting them from law. There should not be any comment from high authorities about who are involved in these killing if they cannot give protection to the citizens.

The law enforcers are hopeless, unprofessional in many way and less technique as the home minister said that the country's law and order is good. Is it because he moves with police protection that he does not see the unruly situation where law and order has deteriorated drastically in the country?

Regarding the joint secretary of AL Md. Mahabub-ul Alam Hanif that his knowledge about a professor, an intellectual's position in much higher than him in the society? Does he remember at all his teachers who taught him when he was a child, a student in school, in college and in the university (if he studied at all in these institutions)? I wonder now and question about his level of education because he does not know how to respect a father, a teacher and a builder of the national assets.

Most of the MPs and ministers under the present regime do not cooperate with our PM but are holding the government position for their own interests. How much prime minister Sheikh Hasina can do alone? I feel pity for her but if she does not get cooperation and collaboration of the general people, if she does cannot identify those killers and bring them to justice, can we say that her life is safe?

I personally feel that all these Islamist extremists are created in some particular education institutions and until all those institutions are searched, the killers will not be found in the open. Also we know from past that all these killers are protected by some religious leaders, in religious places and we also saw how the Islamists had gathered the weapons in Baitul Mukarram to attack the opposition parties and police couple of years ago.

Raki should be done in particular madrasas, some mosques and private places protected by the Islamists and their supporters.

General education and women education in every education institutions, which is a long term process, but should start now, may change the situation one day. The government should protect the people of this country and not only the "Muslims". Every citizen has right to speak, write and express opinion and there should not have any legal limitation in it.

Finally I would like to ask the home mister and other responsible ministers, how many deaths will give you a time when you will admit these killings are not "isolated"? Enough is enough. No more killing of bloggers, foreigners, children, writers, publishers, supports of these targets, journalists and also the general people. We have the right to have a safe life and secure death. We want to live save and die safe.


Why then so many kinds of law enforcing agenices

Submitted by Rosie, May 12, 2015 23:24

Killing of secular intellectuals, Bloggers, Online activists and free thinkers seems to be continued in series. We are all surrounded by so many kinds of law enforcing agencies. Talking to a members of a high level law enforcing agency on condition of not disclosing his name, said, we want to serve our people and country with all our ability and capacity. But the situation is so bad that we cannot work at all. I would love to be a member of police department but the police has become so corrupted and politically used, I left that department and joined in an elite force where I am well paid and having a very luxurious life. I had never wanted this but the situation formed me to be here.

The way the free thinkers, bloggers and online activists are being killed in series, I as a human rights activist I fear that one day, even the PM will not be safe in the hands of those whom her government is trying to protect. It is not possible to believe that thousands of police and other law enforcing agencies do not know who these killers are. Why the police, Rab and other agencies fail to find out the killers?

Over all these killers are identified clearly except the government agencies who in back yard try to protect them. Is there any free thinker in Bangladesh who is safe? Why do we have the freedom of thoughts and freedom of speech mentioned in the constitution of Bangladesh? The government should withdraw those provisions of protect the people. In most time we see people cannot express what they think especially regarding the religious extremists. Nobody got ultimate authority on any people to suppress peoples' mind of those who believe or not believe. The creator did not give any authority to protect him. Those who died, has left the world.

So who are those killers who tries to protect Muhammad or God? Who authorized them to kill those who speak freely about what they believe?

We are secular country and we want to see people speaking, believing, sharing life as they wish. We have to remember that each one of us has got our freedom of thinking, speaking and expressing our opinion from our birth and it is our inalienable rights. Who can interfer in it ? and why? We should identify all those killers and the law should be used to protect the people and punish the killers.


Is some part of police involved?

Submitted by Sandip, May 12, 2015 16:05

It seems to me that some part of police is involved and from inside they are trying to sabotage the AL Govt., to reduce it's support and popularity - which is fast waning. Such situation preceded Murder of Bangabandhu in 1975. I hope and wish PM, Sk. Hasina is keeping eye on the police and military cliques, within Govt.

Or they are so incompetent that they are spending their time in buttering those in power, and torturing people to keep silent. Such people are very dangerous, even as good friends.

Crimes should be solved and ring leaders rounded up, irrespective of whether they pose as AL cadre or not. I say pose, because if they are doing some things which will defame or malign their party Govt. they are not party cadre . They are wolf in sheep skin.


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