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Basher or Truth-Teller?

Jan 22, 2015 09:12

Just because someone or a country doesn't like the story being reported does NOT mean that the information contained therein (or the spirit of the message) is false. If Paris, London, etc. are so offended why don't they actually address the problem of their no-go zones instead of asking a reporter change his story to comport with the multi-cultural and politically correct morons?! Just a thought.


Mr Emerson, now that you have been forced to apologise

Submitted by S Readshaw, Jan 13, 2015 12:22

to the City of Birmingham for the untruths you told in another interview, can we expect similar apologies to the City of London for similar untruths in the same interview, and to the cities mentioned in this interview? You must be aware by now that people who live in those cities are hearing what you are saying and are able to refute it utterly. We would appreciate it if your research could be more thorough in future, at the level that would normally be expected from an MA, and if your sources could be more carefully checked.



Submitted by Salty Dawg, Jan 12, 2015 19:25

Emerson's ridiculous statements have been roundly ridiculed in Europe and the UK. You'd better start putting up some proof before you become the punchline of a Faux News joke.


Mr Emerson is named an idiot by Prime Minister Cameron

Submitted by Ayse Dickson, Jan 12, 2015 15:49

Mr Emerson be a real man and get on your favourate Faux News to say you are not an expert at all you are just a silly man who rely on gossip to make statements like this. Europe Sir is standing tall. Europeans are smart and take Faux News as entertainment. Stop scare mongering and come clean say outloud 100 times as penence I AM AN IDIOT


Detractors bash FOX report, but will not & CANNOT refute the facts.

Submitted by Dragon40, Jan 12, 2015 14:31

FACT: There ARE Islamic/Muslim "no go" zones throughout Europe - nearly 800 in France alone.

FACT: In London, some "no-go" zones are patrolled by Shari'a enforcers who will (and have) harrassed and threatened British citizens.

FACT: Fox features NEWS shows as well as opinion shows - something progressives never mention when bashing FOX.

FACT: Fox is far more balanced than any other cable or network news broadcaster.


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Basher or Truth-Teller? [66 words]


Jan 22, 2015 09:12

Mr Emerson, now that you have been forced to apologise [97 words]

S Readshaw 

Jan 13, 2015 12:22

Proof? [29 words]

Salty Dawg 

Jan 12, 2015 19:25

Mr Emerson is named an idiot by Prime Minister Cameron [67 words]

Ayse Dickson 

Jan 12, 2015 15:49

Detractors bash FOX report, but will not & CANNOT refute the facts. [67 words]


Jan 12, 2015 14:31

  Where are you from, Sir or Madam? [119 words]

S Readshaw 

Jan 13, 2015 12:16

  well put [16 words]

A Dickson 

Jan 13, 2015 17:22

  Enlighten us please [60 words]

A Dickson 

Jan 13, 2015 21:31

Fox News is "entertainment" not news [144 words]


Jan 12, 2015 11:24

liar or idiot? [63 words]

Jack Pedersen 

Jan 12, 2015 11:09

Prayer rugs and the downfall of Europe [68 words]


Jan 12, 2015 09:46

Is this supposed to be a joke? If so, it really isn't funny. [142 words]

Matthew Hunter 

Jan 12, 2015 08:11

nonsense [18 words]


Jan 12, 2015 05:07

Oh dear. [30 words]

Peter Thomas 

Jan 12, 2015 04:12

Fiction dressed as Fact [73 words]


Jan 12, 2015 03:49

help [20 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:53



Jan 11, 2015 18:18

  What? [60 words]

A Dickson 

Jan 12, 2015 15:54

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