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Child Abuse

Submitted by Dan, May 3, 2017 12:50

The adults responsible for all aspects of broadcasting and showing this material to children are guilty of mass child abuse which is clearly a violation of international law and human rights law. The International Court in the Hague should be prosecuting those responsible for these broadcasts now. As long as this practice continues there will never be peace in the Middle East. It is difficult to impossible to undo the damage caused by training little children to hate or to be willing to be suicide bombers. I could call this many awful names but the bottom line is that it is child abuse plain and simple and a violation of the human rights of the children who are being brainwashed with this crap. The next time they bomb these places they need to target all of the locations where these awful TV shows are produced and broadcast.


the reason

Submitted by Jim, Mar 7, 2015 18:27

the United States and Britain were the driving forces behind removing the Palestinians from their homes after World War II and moving the Jews into their what had been their territory.

To the Jewish people it was a homecoming of mysttical proportions....to the Arabs who had lived their for 1900 years.....since the diaspora of the Roman Empire in the first century......it was just another invasion they have had to endure and they are still in the middle of the invasion and fighting it.

To the Israelis and Christians you read the bible or torah and find a command from god telling you go kill anyone who does not believe. it is in Luke 19:27 where Jesus said "bring me those who do not accept me as king and behead them".


Cruise Missile

Submitted by Dave, Jul 12, 2014 00:47

Someone needs to send the United States Air Force the grid coordinates for this television station so we can stop the lunatics from teaching more kids to be crazy. One Cruise missile and the tv station will no longer transmit.


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