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It certainly is institutional: Brookings, a Qatari Front.

Submitted by David, Oct 31, 2014 00:57

Unfortunately, this is so true. A sage whose insights I greatly revere, Robert Kagan, is a senior fellow of the Project on International Order and Strategy in the Foreign Policy program with Brookings, and his tone towards the Egyptian Intifada in 2012-2013 has been enlightening over the extant of the influence of the Qataris. I thought Kagan would embrace the anti-Muslimbrotherhood sentiment of Egyptians, but his position has been largely in favor of allowing the abstraction of "Democracy," to run it's course, in a country where the only groups who have any level of meaningful organization, is the Egyptian military in the public sphere, or the Muslim Brotherhood in the private sphere.

The Muslim Brotherhood, much like a class of Europeans in 1933, as well as the Palestinian leadership in both the Gaza and West Bank, used Democracy to get into power, only to then put in place anti-democratic reforms that, if allowed to run it's course, would destroy democracy entirely. Kagan is too intelligent not to be aware of this.

The clear giveaway of Kagan towing the Qatari line was in fact this year, when asked by a questioner what he thought of Israel's support of the ousting of the Brotherhood, and he essentially called Israel "anti-democratic," basically describing the Jewish State's support for the Military forcing Morsi to step as "wanting Democracy for themselves, and nobody else." I believe also this year, he was even willing to entertain an "Islamist Democratic model" that could have eventually evolved out of the Morsi government, seeing where that would go, and if successful, perhaps consider it as something that could then be exported to the rest of the region.

Another Brookings figure, a senior fellow of their Middle East Policy, Michael Doran, wrote a piece for Mosaic suggesting that, in light of what is happening in the region, let's not shift our focus away from Israel, and that there can be no alternative to the state-solution. Brookings is just a front for Qatar with westerners who are so eager for Arab embrace that they're willing to air - and give legitimacy to - Arab grievance and do their dirty work. The world can be on fire, and those who obsess with the Jewish State will always work an angle that refocuses humanities attention to the problem of the Jews, and that since it's the Jews who have to take initiative and meet these conditions, they themselves are the problem, and the impediment to peace in this conflict, and the greater region as a whole.

Unfortunately. it pains to reinforce the points of your piece, but the infection is institutional. The Qatari influence is quite strong with Brookings, maybe they would gain a bit more clarity by relocating to the UAE, or even Egypt.


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