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Deport her!

Submitted by Cindy W., Oct 26, 2014 09:15

She lied on her application; period. Revoke her citizenship and deport her. There should be no question as to what should be done. You lied - good bye.


SHE LIED - pure and simple - SEND HER BACK or put her in jail!!!PERIOD!!!!!

Submitted by Gail, Oct 25, 2014 14:11



lying on immigration to america

Submitted by glenda urmacher, Oct 25, 2014 10:58

it is very obvious that our legal and illegal immigration policies are not being enforced for certain peoples.

all immigration should be halted until and wherever our government decides to enforce our immigration laws and expel those who lie to gain entrance to this country.

al well, those supporters of those who lied on their application for allowance in to this country should be expelled as well.

you notice countries like Switzerland and Japan have no such problems

they strictly check who is allowed to immigrate to their shores and japan has NO immigration or refugee assistance program.

smart countries.

its time we start emulating their policies.



Oct 25, 2014 08:42

From the same murders who ran the death camps for adolf hitler. DEPORT Her Now!


revoke her citizenship

Submitted by ALAN R, Oct 24, 2014 17:33

I feel she should receive the maximum jail time in the USA as well as revocation of her citizenship followed by deportation.

She should not be deported without first serving jail time in the USA


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