Who in DoD is deflecting conversation about 4GW?
Reader comment on item: Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon

Submitted by Frank Livingston, Aug 23, 2015 08:33

Our government was infiltrated by our enemy, the Muslim Brotherhood decades ago and implemented what they call their "Civilization-Jihad Process", a plan presented in the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2008 and was not contested in court or during the appeals process. Neither the House, Senate either Democrat or Republican will hold hearings on the Muslim Brotherhood and the plan they are employing within our government. Oh, their plan is working quite well by the way! How do we know this; because the media, House and Senate refuse to address the issue and review their Civilization-Jihad plan? Here is an example!

Who in DoD is deflecting conversations about 4GW?

Take time to read "The Changing Face of War - Into the Fourth Generation" by Lind, Nightengale, Schmitt, Sutton and Wilson published in the October 1989 Marine Corps Gazette.

"The first is a component of collapsing the enemy. It is a shift in focus from the enemy's front to his rear. Terrorism must seek to collapse the enemy from within as it has little capability (at least at present) to inflict widespread destruction."

Terrorists use a free society's freedom and openness, its greatest strengths, against it. They can move freely within our society while actively working to subvert it. They use our democratic rights not only to penetrate but also to defend themselves. If we treat them within our laws, they gain many protections; if we simply shoot them down, the television news can easily make them appear to be the victims. Terrorists can effectively wage their form of warfare while being protected by the society they are attacking. If we are forced to set aside our own system of legal protections to deal with terrorists, the terrorists win another sort of victory.

Highly sophisticated psychological warfare, especially through manipulation of the media, particularly television news. Some terrorists already know how to play this game. More broadly, hostile forces could easily take advantage of a significant product of television reporting — the fact that on television the enemy's casualties can be almost as devastating on the home front as are friendly casualties. If we bomb an enemy city, the pictures of enemy civilian dead brought into every living room in the country on the evening news can easily turn what may have been a military success (assuming we also hit the military target) into a serious defeat." [snip] https://www.mca- marines.org/files/The%20Changing%20Face%20of%20War%20-%20Into%20the%20Fourth%20Generation.pdf

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    Frank Livingston 

    Aug 23, 2015 08:33

    Comment on Expert on Radical Islam Fired from Pentagon

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