Islamism/Radical Islam/Islam
Reader comment on item: New York Times Censors Ad Decrying Islamist Censorship

Submitted by Abdul Ameer, Jun 6, 2014 16:08

You say that America is not at war with Muslims or Islam. Unfortunately, Islam is at war with us, and we are not fighting back. Islam has always been at permanent war with non-Muslims, just like it says so many times in the Koran and the Sunnah. We need to be at war with Islam just like we were at war with Nazism, and for the same reasons. THEY declared war on us with their totalitarian and imperialist ideology. Islam is also a totalitarian and imperialist ideology, and there is no way we can defeat it until we recognize it for what it is.

You write that "The IPT never said Islam is the problem in its ads. IPT suggested that radical Islam is a problem," This is a problem in itself because, in reality, Islam itself is the problem. CAIR does not want the public to make any connection between Islam and what you call "radical Islam", and so they are against the term "radical Islam". How different from that is your assertion that Islam is not the problem? You are going to be accused of being anti-Islam no matter how you phrase it, so why not tell the inconvenient truth? Of course, Islam is the problem. As Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan said: "There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam, and that's it." Why should we use such a term as "radical Islam" if the Islamic leaders themselves do not recognize it? By using "radical Islam" we are implying that there is an Islam which is not "radical". There are Moslems who are not radical, that is, there are Moslems who do not follow the doctrines of Islam. However, the fact that they do not follow those doctrines does not change the fact that those doctrines exist. There are moderate Moslems, but there is no such thing as "moderate Islam".

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