Balfour and Biblical References
Reader comment on item: Hearing: U.S. Must Respond if UN Declares Palestinian State

Submitted by Lisa Oliver-Johnson, Oct 2, 2011 00:27

An excerpt from the Origins of the Balfour Declaration - 1917


British Promises

The British were busy making promises. Henry McMahon had exchanged letters with Hussein ibn Ali, Sheriff of Mecca in 1915, in which he had promised the Arabs control of the Arab lands, exclusive of the Mediterranean coast. The extent of the coastal exclusion is not clear. Hussein protested that the Arabs of Beirut would greatly oppose isolation from the Arab state or states, but did not it seems, bring up the matter of the area Jerusalem, which included a good part of Palestine. This suggests either that the area of Jerusalem and Palestine was not part of the inclusion and was promised to the Arabs, as shown in some maps, and is believed by pro-Arab historians, or that Palestine was included, but that Hussein did not protest. The latter version is supported by Dr. Chaim Weizmann in his autobiographical book Trial and Error, and that interpretation was convenient to the British also, and supported explicitly by the British government in the White Paper of 1922"

I have spent one hour in a half trying to find the scripture that I found for a class assignment. I went through all of my International Relations assignments from school for the past two years, and though I thought that I found where I referenced the scripture, I must have overlooked it. Therefore, I also looked a bit in the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, but I am not even done with that. I am looking under brother, dwell, live, and land, as well as curse, and there is much to view.

I am a student, currently studying for my Mid Terms, therefore, I will keep this reply link, so that I may provide the information that you seek.


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