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Inaccurate Criticism

Submitted by Jerry Landrum, Jan 27, 2009 18:01

I read Dr. Zuhur's monograph, and it is no way an apologia of Hamas' targeting of civilians. She does not deny that the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Squads, the military wing of HAMAS, has used terrorism as a tactic. However, she also acknowledges that Israel has at times used a disproportionate amount of force in its response to these acts. The most important point Dr. Zuhur makes is that there is more to Hamas than its military wing. She states that 95% of Hamas' budget is used for social programs. This is a fact which is verified by other sources such as the Council on Foreign Relations backgrounder on Hamas: " Hamas funds schools, orphanages, mosques, healthcare clinics, soup kitchens, and sports leagues. "Approximately 90 percent of its work is in social, welfare, cultural, and educational activities," writes the Israeli scholar Reuven Paz." This group is much more than a terrorist organization. In fact, they have been democratically elected as leaders of the Palestinian people. Given this reality, is it not wise to consider the idea that discussions with them might be the correct course of action? In a CFR interview, Richard Murphy advocates for this dialogue as a contrast for the belated opening of dialogue with the PLO.



Submitted by Lucky Pierre, Jan 26, 2009 13:29

One should note the standard boilerplate about the views being those of the author. This is interesting when considered with Tom Ricks' blog claims about lack of academic freedom at the war college.

The views expressed in this report are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the
Department of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the U.S.
Government. This report is cleared for public release; distribution
is unlimited.The views expressed in this report are those of the author
and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the
Department of the Army, the Department of Defense, or the U.S.
Government. This report is cleared for public release; distribution
is unlimited.


Talking Back

Jan 23, 2009 16:21

On the contrary, you have totally misunderstood my monographs -- if you read them, which is not clear; many blogs

simply copy from each others comments. By all means, why don't you forbid Americans from engaging in

research and writing their own analyses? That will provide a great alternative to the totalitarianism you claim to be

fending off. Sherifa Zuhur


More on Sherifa Zuhur

Submitted by Jeffrey Imm, Jan 21, 2009 18:49


July 2, 2008 - Seeking to Change What America's Military Views as the War.
The Strategic Studies Institute of the US Army War College publishes security and strategic reports for U.S. military agencies, military leaders, and to influence policy. So when this branch of the US Army War College calls for America to run from fighting a war to defend its values, Americans should be deeply concerned. The US Army War College sent this message in April 2008 to American military leadership in publishing a study by Islamic scholar Sherifa Zuhur on "Precision in the Global War on Terror: Inciting Muslims through the War of Ideas." Professor Zuhur is not ambiguous about her message to the American military in stating that "the effort to pursue 'militant Islam' instead of simply opposing 'terrorism,' is too grand a project" (page 9), and that "it is time to abandon the assumptions of a clash of civilizations between Islam and the West" (page 115). In effect, this Islamic scholar is guiding American military away from looking at Islamic supremacism as an ideology, and instead advises that the only possible course for America is the circular, tactical guerilla warfare against "terrorists" or "extremists" instead. Professor Zuhur tells America's military that "[p]lanners and policymakers should avoid essentialist and reductionist interpretations of key concepts like the Caliphate" (page 117). Professor Zuhur tells America's military that the "United States (even along with Europe) cannot undo the Islamic awakening, the growth of Islamist movements and principles, and popular support for them. Work with Islamists instead of engaging them in what surely will be a very long war" (page 118). In summary, this study distributed by the US Army War College was provided to American military around the world to tell them to ignore the ideology of Islamic supremacism, and to discourage any type of confrontation with Islamic supremacism to defend our values of equality and liberty. Clearly the Islamic supremacist propaganda campaign is working.


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