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Jihad on Porn

Submitted by Viktor, Jan 22, 2015 02:16

Muslims go bonkers because they can't just go and get their drink and their f*ck on like normal people. If they weren't all so uptight and learned to party they'd be less inclined to want to die like they do.

A bong and a bottle of Jack for everyone would solve 99% of the worlds problems.



Submitted by AA, Jan 6, 2015 20:56

Those comments claimed to be made by Imam Zaid Shakir are so outdated it's not even. He's nowhere being the same person he was 20 years ago, which is probably how long go he said it. He's completely changed his views after studying the religion in depth. You guys are clearly nitpicking.


something being ordained

Submitted by shuaib muhaymin, Dec 24, 2014 23:52

What is meant by Allah ordain it, is everything is ordain, because Allah said "if you do this, then this will happen. If you do that then that will happen" That is ALL what is ordain. Not that you have to do this ordained or that ordained (if I can say it like that), but which ever you choose has already been ordained the out come.


Zionist-Crusadist Terrorism

Dec 23, 2014 20:41

Why is Islaam and Muslims always on the chopping board in the West? Why not discuss the American-British-French crusade, unjust wars against Muslims around the Globe?. Zionist-crusadist violence and terrorism in Africa and Asia is the root cause of instability, suffering and growing populations of refugees around the world.

Muslims engage in jihad in self defense against invading European, Russian, Chinese or Israeli occupation in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechenya, Somalia, East Turk Stan, Palestine, etc.


He doesn't get it

Submitted by rangerrebew, Dec 23, 2014 10:53

Anyone who knows anything about government and politics knows it is ATM's, the disaster at Fukishima, or gun toting, Bible carrying Christians that cause these problems. Of course, it could also be global warming. If that doesn't work, then it has to be George Bush causing the problem.


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Jihad on Porn [56 words]


Jan 22, 2015 02:16

Outdated [52 words]


Jan 6, 2015 20:56

something being ordained [66 words]

shuaib muhaymin 

Dec 24, 2014 23:52

Zionist-Crusadist Terrorism [74 words]


Dec 23, 2014 20:41

He doesn't get it [48 words]


Dec 23, 2014 10:53

So why are followers of Islam more vulnerable to ill effects of porn? [17 words]

kalpak dabir 

Dec 20, 2014 06:31

Tell them about the minions [223 words]


Dec 20, 2014 03:32

War is Deceit! [220 words]


Dec 19, 2014 14:33

Clearly, it's the porn! [8 words]

Pigasus (pioneering aviation worldwide) 

Dec 19, 2014 09:21

It's Islam, not porn [219 words]


Dec 18, 2014 18:20

Including Psychology in a Multifactorial Analysis [160 words]

Felix Adamson 

Dec 18, 2014 14:58

It's Islam, not porn. [27 words]

Scooter Van Neuter 

Dec 18, 2014 12:23

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