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IOt's spreadin to America

Submitted by Jim, Aug 9, 2014 18:37

Just read this on the Breitbart site. Breaking: Rabbi Fatally Shot While Walking to North Miami Beach Temple. According to Miami-Dade police, as reported in a story from the Miami NBC affiliate, two young males approached 60-year-old Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Joseph Raksin Saturday morning as he was walking to his North Miami Beach temple on the 800 block of NE 175th Street. The two males reportedly shot Raksin, who later died after being airlifted to Jackson Memorial Hospital's Ryder Trauma Center. The police said the suspects -- for whom they don't yet have a good description -- fled, one on a bicycle and one on foot. Law enforcement is also holding off labeling the attack a hate crime. But, as reported by the Miami CBS affiliate in a story from July 28, about two blocks from where Rabbi Raksin was shot, the Congregation Torah Ve'emunah, at 1000 N.E. 175th Street, was vandalized. Around 1 a.m. that morning, a member of a community watch group found swastikas and the word "Hamas" spray-painted on the pillars of the synagogue. The Saturday before, CBS reports, residents of Meridian Avenue, in a predominately Jewish neighborhood of Miami Beach, were leaving their home to attend a synagogue service when they discovered their cars had been vandalized. The two vehicles were covered in eggs and cream cheese, and the words "Hamas" and "Jew" were written on the car windows. Miami-Dade police are investigating the synagogue vandalism, while Miami Beach police are looking into the damage done to the cars. At the time CBS posted its story, there was no direct evidence linking the two incidents.


Let'a hope history doesn't repeat itself

Aug 5, 2014 19:22

The Jews are the target of hatred now, which group will be next? There will be another group. Hitler did not just target Jews.



Submitted by Ellibob, Aug 5, 2014 19:22

"Elsewhere in Germany, protesters have reportedly chanted "Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight alone!"

I dont know its important or not: It was in Berlin on 18. July. There is a video on youtube in german language: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbYTUUZLGus

The words "Jew, Jew, cowardly pig...." in german language: "Jude, Jude, feiges Schwein.." you can hear for more times, example at 1:15

There was another Demo in Essen (also Germany) where activists cried "Death to the Jews". There is also a video on youtube but that has english subtitles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zoukXdlOvE

At 2:58 you find these words.


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