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The rights granted to the Jewish people in the Mandate for Palestine aka The Land of Israel was to be given affect in all of Palestine

Submitted by YJ Draiman, Jul 12, 2016 23:02

The rights granted to the Jewish people in the Mandate for Palestine aka The Land of Israel was to be given affect in all of Palestine aka The Land of Israel. It thus follows that the legal rights of the claimants to sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem it derives from the decisions of the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers in 1920 San Remo (The Arabs received at that time over 12 million sq. km. of territory) and from the implementation of the terms of the Mandate for Palestine aka The Land of Israel implemented and approved by the Council of the League of Nations.

In March 1921, in Cairo, Great Britain arbitrarily and without legal authority, decided to partition the mandated territory of Palestine, for international political reasons of its own. Article 25 of the Mandate gave the Mandatory Power permission to postpone or withhold (but not transfer any territory) most of the terms of the Mandate in the area of land east of the Jordan River ("Trans-Jordan"). Great Britain, as Mandatory Power, wrongfully exercised that right.

For former UN Ambassador, Professor Yehuda Zvi Blum, the rights vested in the Arab people of Palestine aka The Land of Israel with respect to the principle of self-determination were fulfilled as a result of this initial partition of Palestine aka The Land of Israel implemented and approved by the Council of the League of Nations in 1922. According to Professor Blum: "The Arab-Palestinians; have long enjoyed the self-determination in their own state – the Arab-Palestinian State of Jordan". (Worth mentioning here, in a letter written on 17 January 1921 to Churchill's Private Secretary, Col. T.E. Lawrence ("of Arabia") had reported that, in return for Arab sovereignty in Iraq, Trans-Jordan and Syria, King Hussein's eldest son, Emir Feisal—a man said by Lawrence to be known for keeping his word—had "agreed to abandon all claims of his father to Palestine". And there was also the January 1919 Faisal Weizmann Agreement).


Palestinian State cannot be established in Israel

Submitted by YJ Draiman, Jun 11, 2014 21:55

Under International Law and Treaties – An Arab/Palestinian State cannot be established in Israel on Jewish land allocated to the Jewish people under the San Remo agreement of 1922 and ratified by the League of Nations and signed by 51 member states. The San Remo agreement of 1920 states that only the Jewish people can set-up its own government - exclusive political rights. In violation of the of the agreement the British allocated over 77% of the Jewish land to Trans-Jordan. Never in history was there a Palestinian people, government or culture. Now you want to allocate more Jewish land to the Arab/Palestinians, again in violation of the agreement. This would create two Arab countries and one Jewish country greatly reduced in its original land allocation. This is in violation of International law and the 1920 San Remo agreement which was adapted by the League of Nations and signed by 51 member countries. Under the law we must address the ejection of close to a million Jews from Arab countries and the property and assets that were confiscated. In addition about a third of those Jews died during those Arab pogroms against its Jewish population. YJ Draiman


Islam's Ban on Lying?

Submitted by R. Muhammad, Apr 7, 2014 03:27

While Mr. Berko does good work in exposing Palestine, he also shows ignorance of Islamic doctrine. Lying IS Islamic. Has he never heard of taqiyya, kitman, muruna, tawriya? Has he never read Islamic Law manuals such as the Al-Azhar-approved Umdat al-Salik which has a section on lying? Has he never read the hadeeth such as Bukhair 5.369? Has he never read the tafsir on the Qur'an like Ibn Kathir's on Sura 3:28? Has he never read the most authoritative Shi'a sources like Al-Kafi on dissimulation? Lying IS Islamic. I highly recommend Mr. Berko do more research into Islam to live up to his status as an expert on Arab affairs. If he wishes to make his research a lot easier by having me provide him with references, he should contact me through this site by replying with his email address.


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