Please do some more research...
Reader comment on item: Palestine occupied by Islamism as much as Israel: Column
in response to reader comment: What "Palestine?"

Submitted by Michael, Jul 25, 2014 15:06

Dear Kristy, First, a semite is anyone with ancestry in Southwest Asia whose language is based on the semitic tongue. It includes Jews, Arabs, Christians, etc. Arabs don't ever use the term "antisemitic" because it would mean "anti-myself". Anyone who uses this term is demonstrating that they really don't understand the history and demographics of the region. Second, From 1920 until 1948 there was a geopolitical entity called "Mandatory Palestine" and it was established after WWI. Israel, as a county, did not exist until May 14th, 1948 when the UN, with the stroke of a pen, created Israel and effectively told everyone living in the Mandatory Palestine area that their family lands, their homes, and their businesses, now belonged to someone else...a 100% Jewish state. Israelis started forcefully removing everyone that was not Jewish from their homes and land to make room for an ever increasing influx of Jewish settlers. Palestinians don't what the genocide of the Jewish race. This is a lie propagated by Zionists to justify their actions. Jews, Muslims, Christians have lived in the area in relative peace for centuries. It is only within the last 70 years as Israel has attempted exterminate anyone in the area that is not Jewish that the problems arose. Yes, this is contrary to what most people hear on the television. Personally, I am a former Marine Corps pilot who served in the middle east and has spent time witnessing first hand what is going on. I will tell you that it is not what we are being told, and I fervently believe that history will not be kind to our support of Israel's genocide of anyone not Jewish who lives in the area. You hear about Palestinians throwing rocks and firing rockets at Israel. Yes. They are an occupied nation with little to do at this point but fight back. But look at the outcome: 600 Palestinians killed. 1 Israeli killed. Yet the Palestinians are the terrorists? If one stops listening to the rhetoric and actually spends a few days doing research on what is going on, one will find that the truth is far, far from what we are being told. some more research...and that doesn't mean watch excerpts from Fox news. Personally, I've walked the streets of Aman and spoken with the populace. I've conversed with many Israelis. My first degree is in History. I have both primary and secondary experience and knowledge of this subject, and again...the truth will shock you. Sadly, most people are unable to change their perception of an event, even if presented with incontrovertible, empirical facts. And this, tragically, perpetuates the travesty.

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