After the MSA's Apartheid Week for years...
Reader comment on item: Obama Supporters: President's Re-election Means 'No More Israel'

Submitted by Copper, Nov 10, 2012 04:23

College kids have been fed the Palestinian LIES for over a decade that Israel is the 'occupier' and the Palestinians are the poor victims. This has been pushed in the public school system also by the Muslim brotherhood and the Saudis getting into the school book publishing business. The Democrats while trying to keep their Liberal Jewish funds flowing, are out the other side of their mouth Praising the Muslim brotherhood and defending them. They want to walk on both sides of the street like so many tried to do with Hitler. The college kids are taking thier cue from Obama. They see him turning his back on Israel - he has NOT been there in FOUR YEARS. And he bad mouths them and praises Islam. He is their Marxist hero and the PRO-Marxist, PRO-Islamist colleges and Universities exacerbate this.

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    Nov 9, 2012 23:01

    Comment on Obama Supporters: President's Re-election Means 'No More Israel'

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