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Israel has the most Noble prizes

Submitted by Otto, Apr 25, 2015 17:47

Few, out of 937 Israeli inventions: cellular phones, drones, 1st intel micro chip for computer, a lot of medical eqipment. etc. However Arafat also got the Noble Prize. Money are money. EVERY Israeli start up companies brought profits to all stock buyers.

Idiots from Hampshire college deprive their investment fund from the best income. The morons invest in Libya? Syria? Sudan? I wouldn't give them 1 Euro to manage. www.NationalInvetigativeMedia.com, Campus-Watch.org


German investor.


Bravo to Hampshire College

Submitted by The Exorcist, Mar 3, 2009 18:42

Dershowitz is at it again. Wars against Arabs/Muslims, torture for the victims of illegal sweeps of 'terror suspects', dispossession of Palestinians, denying human rights and equal protection of law for Goyim in Israel and a clear agenda for final expulsion of all Goyim from the Greater Israel, all from the pulpit provided by this country that swears its allegiance to the core values of equality of all men, equal protection of law for all and separation of Church and State. Dershowitz, if you cannot subscribe to these core American Values, why not emigrate to Israel where you belong?
Let all Institutions of Higher Learnming join Hampshire College in this courageous action of divestment.


What it means

Submitted by Editor, Mar 3, 2009 16:30


What it means is the editor missed the mistake. Thanks for pointing it out. It has been corrected.


please explain

Submitted by Claudia, Mar 3, 2009 15:06

" As New York Times columnist Tom Friedman put it: 'Criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic, and saying so is vial. ..."

What does the last word mean in this context?


More of the Same

Submitted by Jack Herz, Feb 17, 2009 09:54

I am appalled but not surprised by this action. This, unfortunately, is typical of the wave of antisemitism across many campuses. I believe, but cannot prove, that much of the funding for this activity comes frojm the Middle East in a sub-rosa fashion.

In any case, all of us need to redouble our efforts to get accurate messages about Hamas, et al to young people around the world. This is a battle for the hearts and minds of an educated generation.


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Israel has the most Noble prizes [74 words]


Apr 25, 2015 17:47

Bravo to Hampshire College [112 words]

The Exorcist 

Mar 3, 2009 18:42

What it means [19 words]


Mar 3, 2009 16:30

please explain [30 words]


Mar 3, 2009 15:06

More of the Same [81 words]

Jack Herz 

Feb 17, 2009 09:54

Boomerang [72 words]


Feb 16, 2009 14:49

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