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Submitted by FactsRule, Jun 15, 2015 20:56

I read long ago in a reputable report that 95% of UNRWA in Azza (Gaza) are Hamas members. So, UNRWA, in reality, is Hamas.
The 600-700,000 -person refugee figure was always absurd.
Firstly, many Arabs left not because of the war, but to cause the war. They left at the behest of surrounding countries and at the behest of their own leaders west of the Jordan River. They were told that they'd return after the surrounding genocidal Arab countries annihilated the Jews. There are preserved recordings of some of these calls as well as some in writing.
Secondly, the number itself isn't serious since it would seem to me to be including those who chose to become Israeli citizens.
Also, the half or so that was the actual number of refugees were never refugees because Jordan, Egypt, & Syria stole the land from Israel in the 1948 War & became responsible for that overwhelmingly genocidal population. If allowed to return, then, according to international law, they'd have to return to Jordan &, perhaps, those in Gaza, to Egypt. This is because according to international law Israel is the only entity with all rights west to all of the land west of the Jordan River, as is explained, for example, by Howard Grief in

Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine under International Law


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