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In Praise of Esposito

Submitted by simsim swan, Mar 1, 2016 21:46

May he live a long and productive life as promoter of peace and intrepid interpreter of the finer fabric of Islam.


Ignorant vs money maker

Submitted by Magdy, Jun 11, 2014 05:11

In10 of june 2014 in UK muslim brothers (MB) hired a man with many academic titles to improve their external image.When he started to speak about MB all his titles falled down like dried leafs,the man is either ignorant or trying to gain some dollars from the fools.If he is ignorant(doughtful) ,he must read the dark,bloody history of MB in Egypt since 1928.


Who cares.??

Nov 20, 2013 21:38

Espasito - I was a believer in the old I.R.A. principals of a "Freedom Fighter" in the 20's-30's & beyond, but not now they are mostly filled with Drug Barons and Protection Gangsters, o.k. that was maybe the case in the lot of them in those days but the I.R.A. were a Political Organization at first, but they took to threatening the very People they claimed to be fighting for, which of course was counter-productive.



Submitted by Catmann, Jan 20, 2012 15:52

There will never be peace with Muslims. It simply is not in their character, religion, and personal beliefs. Esposito is in the pay of his Saudi masters and will always publish erudite tomes in support of these monsters.


Media, Money are controlled by zionists (not jews)

Submitted by Zionist, Apr 8, 2010 22:00

Former Prime Minister Menachim Begin is a freedom figheter by mascaring thousends of innocent civilians. to add insult to the injury, he won "Noble Prize" for peace!

Professor Espisoto is expressing his veiws. He did not kill any infants and prganant women!

what kind of a wrold we are living in.


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

In Praise of Esposito [21 words]

simsim swan 

Mar 1, 2016 21:46

Ignorant vs money maker [63 words]


Jun 11, 2014 05:11

Who cares.?? [75 words]


Nov 20, 2013 21:38

Esposito [38 words]


Jan 20, 2012 15:52

Media, Money are controlled by zionists (not jews) [51 words]


Apr 8, 2010 22:00

America Arrogance [25 words]


Dec 9, 2009 20:05

Espasito [72 words]

Sri Lanki 

Nov 17, 2009 12:37

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