Islam IS the religion of peace; they just don't tell you this part
Reader comment on item: Assessing Obama's Mosque Speech on Islam
in response to reader comment: ISLAM means SURRENDER, SUBMISSION,OBEDIENCE with SINCERITY TO ALLAH

Submitted by Harry Winston, Feb 19, 2016 12:01

"The areas Islam has conquered or where it held sway over tribute paying non-Muslims were conceived as a single political unit: dar al-Islam, the "House of Islam," or the realm of peace. It would be governed by the caliphate, an institution defined by rightful succession of the earthly political authority that the Prophet had exercised. The lands beyond were dar al-harb, the realm of war; Islam's mission was to incorporate these regions into its own world order and thereby bring universal peace."

Henry Kissinger, World Order, Penguin Books, Pgs 101-102.

"The dar al-Islam, in theory, was in a state of war with the dar al-harb, because the ultimate objective of Islam was the whole world." Kissinger, p. 102

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    Feb 12, 2016 12:19

      ⇒ Islam IS the religion of peace; they just don't tell you this part [118 words]

    Harry Winston 

    Feb 19, 2016 12:01

    play by the rules [57 words]

    Al Segall 

    Feb 8, 2016 17:56

    Islam means "peace"? Hardly. [88 words]


    Feb 8, 2016 15:25

    when a church ls built in Mecca [16 words]


    Feb 8, 2016 14:22

      Trees for the Forest [36 words]


    Feb 18, 2016 13:31

      Trees for the Forrest [74 words]


    Feb 23, 2016 17:26

    Comment on Assessing Obama's Mosque Speech on Islam

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