Reader comment on item: Saudi Sheik: Muslim Women Could Face Death For Marrying Non-Muslims
Submitted by Syed Naqvi, Mar 12, 2012 05:56
Its not for the people to sentence people to death!!!! thats Allah's JOB!!!! stop killing just because they do something haram! damit! wtf is this stupid non-sense! i thought islam was about love!!!!!!! STOP CORRUPTING MY fking RELIGION!!! thats why they call us terrorist cus u retards are retards!!!!! Mr. Joe Islam is an EPIC RELIGION we just got some loosers just like in any other religion
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More Reader Comments
Title | By | Date |
Well, well, well... |
Lauren |
Islamic Lunacy |
anon |
epic religion? |
Tim |
Injustice |
Tolerance |
Joseph |
⇒ STOP IT!!! |
Syed Naqvi |
No surprise |
Joe Six-Pack |