Pete Hoesktra discusses new concerns about the vulnerability of U.S. transportation systems in the wake of the Brussels attacks.
Pete Hoekstra interviewed on Fox News Channel
by Pete Hoekstra
Fox News Channel
March 23, 2016
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The whole point.
Submitted by mhairi, Mar 24, 2016 16:47
Mos crowded area's are the whole point of terrorism ... kill as many as you can, wreek havoc and fear !! And just what kind of surprise was any of this ... We were all told loud and clear in our own languages one by one ... the fact that we refused to listen, the fact that Liberals around the world still won't listen or protect their own citizans, was " fully " seen and expected from our enemies ... they know how the word racism / islamophobe sends citizans and especially Governments running helter skelter for cover from these nasty labels ... by god, Liberals would rather have the bombs !!!