
Reader comments on this item

Donating who?

Submitted by Daniel, Jan 31, 2015 11:41

This guy seems to know as much about foreign politics as he knows about terrorism. You can't make a donation to Birmingham Child's Hospital since it's a public hospital, as most of em in England and Europe, held by the England HCS, financed with taxes and they don't accept nor need donatios.



Submitted by Blake, Jan 20, 2015 13:00

How could one who is supposedly an expert in this field make such an egregious claim? 30 seconds of research could have disproven any of the claims you made.

The thoughtful apology is appreciated - but the scope of the error here is incredible. Nothing you said is even closely related to fact. Astounding.


Denying or inventing facts is the M.O. of the right wing.

Submitted by Mike Lasche, Jan 18, 2015 10:00

It is no shock that Steven Emerson says things that are not true. Saying untrue things, things that you wish were true, is the core modus operandi of the Neocons, the pro-Israel lobby, the right wing in America, and many conservative Americans. Does anybody remember George Bush, Dick Cheney, et al with their nonsense about WMDs in Iraq?

Part and parcel of this daily practice is, that if they are confronted with inconvenient facts, the next step is to attack the motives of whoever presents the fact. If they point out that Iraq has/had no WMDs, the right wingers say "they hate America." If someone points out the possibility of global warming, the critics are "socialists or environmental wackos."


Excuse me?!?

Jan 16, 2015 18:58

The BEAUTIFUL city of Birmingham?!? Where does Mr Emerson get his facts? I'm sure there's a lot that can be said for Birmingham. Energetic might be a good description. But I've never heard it called beautiful. Amazing that he even manages to make a mistake in his apology.


What can you expect from a "news" site with accuracy of mere 18%?

Submitted by fedup with fox lies, Jan 16, 2015 14:17

'Com on! We all know the all American show biz game: cater to people's fears and need for sensationalist so-called news. Fox has a track record of mere 18% accuracy. They aren't in the business to disseminate facts but to make money! Most of the time, they get away with their lies. This time, Emerson and also Hannity (no surprise) went too far and messed with the wrong crowd: news-savvy, educated Europeans. You've got France, Britain, and Germany in uproar against this crap.

Way to go Emerson and Hannity for your contribution to furthering the relations with our allies... downhill.

By the way, I've spent quite some time in several of these "no-go" zones.... Most are perfectly normal, some a bit rougher. Think San Fran Mission District, Tenderloin, Haight-Ashburry, most of Oakland and Richmond. Need I go on? We have better and worse-off neighborhoods everywhere in the US, we just don't declare them as ZUS ( parts of town with greater need for public services). And the term No-Go Zone is another Fox invention...


More Reader Comments

Title By Date

Donating who? [52 words]


Jan 31, 2015 11:41

  Donation to Childrens Hospital [183 words]


Feb 5, 2015 00:27

Error? [54 words]


Jan 20, 2015 13:00

Denying or inventing facts is the M.O. of the right wing. [119 words]

Mike Lasche 

Jan 18, 2015 10:00

Excuse me?!? [48 words]


Jan 16, 2015 18:58

What can you expect from a "news" site with accuracy of mere 18%? [174 words]

fedup with fox lies 

Jan 16, 2015 14:17

Map of No Go Zones please Steve [172 words]

NoGoZones - ScaredBrummie 

Jan 13, 2015 18:33

  Nonsense [74 words]

Shocked french 

Jan 14, 2015 14:48

Donation to Birmingham children's hospital [17 words]


Jan 13, 2015 13:22

Emerson donation [136 words]

A Dickson 

Jan 13, 2015 13:13

nonsense [47 words]


Jan 13, 2015 11:01

None of the comments thrown around is actually true [190 words]


Jan 13, 2015 01:32

Wrong in every sense [62 words]


Jan 13, 2015 01:13

Expert? [114 words]


Jan 12, 2015 20:05

What is your background to make these statements? [74 words]

Jon Dahl 

Jan 12, 2015 20:01

Rob Maskell - you do your country a disservice [197 words]


Jan 12, 2015 18:41

Prime or nothing [17 words]


Jan 12, 2015 18:21

Meta-irony [78 words]

Dr J 

Jan 12, 2015 17:41

God Bless America [46 words]

Dissin Formation 

Jan 12, 2015 17:35

Compare the news dot com [51 words]


Jan 12, 2015 17:30

Well done for shredding your reputation in milliseconds [212 words]

Andy Wallace 

Jan 12, 2015 17:13

British Prime Minister Cameron [55 words]


Jan 12, 2015 16:08

UNITE AS PEOPLE! [40 words]


Jan 12, 2015 16:04

Check your facts buddy [96 words]

Andrew Rathe 

Jan 12, 2015 15:08

Your knowledge, or lack of it, of the UK [22 words]


Jan 12, 2015 14:30

IPT [72 words]

Robert Rainbird 

Jan 12, 2015 13:44

Your area of expertise is idiocy... [63 words]

Richard Smith 

Jan 12, 2015 13:01

Presedential comment? [57 words]

Steve Watson 

Jan 12, 2015 12:32

It's FOX, that's what it is... [125 words]

Ronald Wanders 

Jan 12, 2015 12:24

Beautiful City of Birmingham [32 words]


Jan 12, 2015 12:17

  Beautiful Birmingham [8 words]


Jan 13, 2015 10:19

Really? [48 words]


Jan 12, 2015 12:01

Faux News...strikes again. [15 words]

Oh Please. 

Jan 12, 2015 11:44

Proud Brummie [50 words]


Jan 12, 2015 11:44

Apology? [104 words]

Neil Hoskins 

Jan 12, 2015 11:42

Xenophobic nonsense [97 words]

Ivor Sperring 

Jan 12, 2015 11:11

Fox News [66 words]


Jan 12, 2015 11:07

"Expert" ??????? [15 words]


Jan 12, 2015 10:56

One more question, Mr Emerson [38 words]

S Readshaw 

Jan 12, 2015 10:49

  fox news [51 words]


Jan 12, 2015 15:36

Resign [33 words]


Jan 12, 2015 10:39

totally wrong about London [55 words]

Margaret Hung 

Jan 12, 2015 10:32

Apology - sort of [71 words]

S Readshaw 

Jan 12, 2015 10:19

Mr Emerson, You do America no Service [56 words]


Jan 12, 2015 10:13

OH PLEASE!!! [94 words]

Neil Pearson 

Jan 12, 2015 10:06

Ha ha ha ha [41 words]

Harry Brown 

Jan 12, 2015 09:56

No suprised [33 words]


Jan 12, 2015 09:34

Hilarious! Even our Prime Minister recognises your idiocy [82 words]


Jan 12, 2015 09:25

Correct your wrong, apologise on air [90 words]

Monica Hultin 

Jan 12, 2015 09:05

Apologise properly and on your personal website [34 words]

Paul Smith 

Jan 12, 2015 08:47

Never heard such rubbish in my life. Do the decent thing RETRACT ON AIR, ON FOX [62 words]

Gareth Evans 

Jan 12, 2015 08:26

Error? No, LIES [47 words]


Jan 12, 2015 08:25

Am I worried ?? [35 words]


Jan 12, 2015 08:25

An error? [224 words]

Neil Parker 

Jan 12, 2015 08:25

charlatan [14 words]


Jan 12, 2015 08:05

Your apology [42 words]

Lynda Thompson-Spack 

Jan 12, 2015 07:49

Buried "apology" [35 words]


Jan 12, 2015 07:43

How ignorant [45 words]

An ex pat american 

Jan 12, 2015 07:15

Steven Emerson (Total twit) [54 words]

Margaret Barnes 

Jan 12, 2015 07:11

Birmingham fiasco [67 words]

Dave Stevo 

Jan 12, 2015 06:53

You should be fired [187 words]


Jan 12, 2015 06:51

From Bullring to Bullsh** [222 words]


Jan 12, 2015 06:44

Caught this time but... [100 words]

Stuart Harris 

Jan 12, 2015 06:41

Murdoch Empire strikes again. [24 words]


Jan 12, 2015 06:29

Is your website apology sufficient? [160 words]


Jan 12, 2015 05:45

Your " facts" are Al Qaeda's recruiting tools [155 words]

Rebecca Hopkins 

Jan 12, 2015 05:35

You are a joke! [131 words]


Jan 12, 2015 05:30

Donation? [4 words]


Jan 12, 2015 05:01

.....and "obligated" is not a word. [17 words]


Jan 12, 2015 04:41

Mr Emerson Pretending To Apologise [48 words]


Jan 12, 2015 04:25

Not enough [39 words]

Dave Warnock 

Jan 12, 2015 04:12

Be Factual Accurate and NOT part of the problem. [199 words]

Liz Walker 

Jan 12, 2015 03:17

Liar [46 words]


Jan 12, 2015 02:36

Stand down from your position [105 words]


Jan 12, 2015 01:40

Where did you get it from? [71 words]

Robert Philpot 

Jan 12, 2015 01:28

'Expert' Right [149 words]


Jan 11, 2015 22:41

  Suggested reading material Terrorism 101 [40 words]

K Dickson 

Jan 12, 2015 07:46

Religious and Racial Misinformation [64 words]

Grahame Cain 

Jan 11, 2015 22:24

Birmingham - Donation [94 words]


Jan 11, 2015 22:00

Really Fox News? Really? [14 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:44

Cities. you said... [77 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:40

  Sharia no go areas. [66 words]

Clem Alford 

Jan 11, 2015 23:39

Surely this was an SNL sketch [37 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:19

How do you even have a job...? [25 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:17

No SHARIA [92 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:16

  Not surprising [163 words]


Jan 11, 2015 22:01

Stuff your donation. [65 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:09

london 'no go' areas [65 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:09

Mr Emerson [116 words]

Ayse Dickson 

Jan 11, 2015 20:06

What about the other cities? [77 words]


Jan 11, 2015 20:04

Crass deliberately incendiary stupidity [227 words]


Jan 11, 2015 19:51

  How to commit career suicide in just a few words [54 words]

Adrian carr 

Jan 13, 2015 10:22

Wait...Not All Americans [37 words]


Jan 11, 2015 19:39

WTF? [49 words]


Jan 11, 2015 19:38

Idiotic Stance on Terror [98 words]

David Lawson 

Jan 11, 2015 19:28

Learnt lesson? [64 words]


Jan 11, 2015 19:27

Beyond parody. [26 words]


Jan 11, 2015 19:21

This is Birmingham, UK you're talking about right? [27 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:33

Birmingham 100% Muslim? [16 words]

The Sanity Inspector 

Jan 11, 2015 18:31

lol [150 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:28

No wonder Americans are so gullible [35 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:25

Birmingham UK resident [81 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:18

False facts to inflame hatred [25 words]

Dave Haslam 

Jan 11, 2015 18:13

WTF did you just say [69 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:13

LOL [13 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:09

American living in UK [100 words]


Jan 11, 2015 18:01

The Idea of 'no go' areas for White people in London is nonsense [115 words]

ANdrew S Hatton 

Jan 11, 2015 17:55

  Judge Judy [20 words]

Clive India 

Jan 12, 2015 01:43

Nonsense [41 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:54

Donation to Birmingham Childrens Hospital [48 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:49

  Donate to BCH? [35 words]


Jan 12, 2015 17:28

Birmingham UK [81 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:38

stirring [23 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:31

Fatuous nonsense that exists only in the heads of Fox News employees [83 words]

Simon Higgins 

Jan 11, 2015 17:27

Speaking nonsense doesn't really help.......try to get a grip! [129 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:26

Rubbish [10 words]

Gil Smith 

Jan 11, 2015 17:22

Research much [18 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:21

No go areas in England [15 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:20

Garbage [52 words]

Jan 11, 2015 17:17

what a load of nonsense [22 words]


Jan 11, 2015 17:11

You are stark raving bonkers and have NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT [183 words]

Timothy O'Neil-Dunne 

Jan 11, 2015 17:05

  "Waterboarding" comments ..... [31 words]

Richard Worrall 

Jan 13, 2015 09:01

Errrm [23 words]


Jan 11, 2015 16:52

interview [104 words]


Jan 11, 2015 16:34

You've never been to Birmingham, then? [64 words]

Stephen Munslow 

Jan 11, 2015 16:27

I'm from Birmingham in the UK [78 words]

Andrew Bullock 

Jan 11, 2015 16:12

ill informed [44 words]


Jan 11, 2015 15:53

The demographics of Birmingham. [41 words]

Ian Rennie 

Jan 11, 2015 15:49

Birmingham UK [112 words]

Antony Drawmer 

Jan 11, 2015 15:35

  Birmingham UK [47 words]

Ian Thompson 

Jan 12, 2015 02:27

  no go banjo [28 words]

Benchowmein hornygold 

Jan 12, 2015 11:03

Fantastic [16 words]


Jan 11, 2015 15:18

Wonderful Interview [143 words]


Jan 11, 2015 14:29

  Would you please get real. Come to UK we will show you that we are open society we even welcome Americans who can believe nonsense uttered on Fox [43 words]

A Dickson 

Jan 11, 2015 20:16

  Um- excuse me? [30 words]

S Readshaw 

Jan 12, 2015 10:30

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