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CAIR a threat to our National Security

Submitted by Dan Nowotarski, Aug 12, 2014 01:26

CAIR is as much of a threat to the citizens of the United States as it was to those when they supported the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists in Egypt and now while supporting Hamas Terrorists in the Gaza Strip. CAIR should closely be monitored by our government; CAIR has funded Hamas Terrorists as was proven during the Holy Land Foundation Investigation, now is not the time to let our guard down as CAIR could also be funding Muslim Terrorist cells inside the borders of the United States that are prepared to strike out at American citizens at a moments notice.


Morsi's govt.?!

Submitted by yzwisey, Dec 8, 2012 21:31

Tsk,tsk I must say, is this a suprise to anyone? You continue to do the same things over and over and expect different results. Can anyone say," stuck on stupid?" You reep what you sow.


Morsi's "gigot" democracy

Submitted by Wallace Edward Brand, Dec 5, 2012 22:52

Morsi's democracy is like one in which two wolves and a lamb vote on what they are going to have for dinner. Without a decent Constitution guaranteeing individual rights, Morsi's vaunted democracy will end up a "gigot" democracy. And with a Sharia only Constitution, it is not only lambs, but infidels that had better be on the alert.


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