
Reader comments on this item

Nothing new here - Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI have been documenting this stuff going on for years [EOM]

Submitted by Rob, Dec 21, 2008 14:36

Nothing new here - Palestinian Media Watch and MEMRI have been documenting this stuff going on for years.


US aid is this boomerang to the US citizens??

Submitted by Bujar, Dec 20, 2008 16:57

It is undisputed fact that voice against suicide bombers must first come from all Islamic societies around the world. There is no Islamic country that has not received any US aid or other support. Why I am saying this? If those imam's and clerics and Islamic society do really believe in Quran and if they call them self messengers of Allah word they know that also I is undisputed fact that suicide is forbidden and condemnable by Quran: (Qur'an 4:29-30). They also know the fact written in Quran that if someone helps you, you must give back in the best way. In this case I will ask those Islamic societies, there imam's and clerics:

- How it comes that they support such digressive ideology if is opposite of Quran? Why the Muslim society is not isolating such ideology and ideologists? Is this agreement in silence with this ideology and also intention to transform Quran from Muslim holly book to the destructive politic strategy for the destruction of rest of the world - of non-Islamic civilization?


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