Just a thought
Reader comment on item: Boston Bomber Exposes Islamist Secret

Submitted by Pork lover, May 13, 2013 20:50

Have you ever notice how the cowardly Muslims in the United States and throughout the world never harshly speak out against how their religion has been hijacked by radical Muslim terrorists? Their so called leadership is mute on the subject, and the Muslim communities around the country bury their heads in the sand. They are either scared if they speak out against terrorism, or they really approve of these terrorist acts behind closed doors. You would think if bombers and killers took over any other religion on this planet, the members and leaders of that faith found would band together to protect the true faithful, and do all in their power to regain back their religion, that does not seem to be the case with the Islamic faith. Maybe this is the reason others have a skeptical view of the Islamic faith. One day in my opinion the worlds various countries are going to finally reach a point where we have had enough of these terrorists acts, and the non Islamic people throughout the world will clean up that faith for the Islamic leadership. The world cannot be held hostage by Islamic radicals hiding behind a religion. The only way to stop this nonsense is brute force, that is all they understand.

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