Is Obama not the Manchurian Candidate but eh Muslim Brotherhood Candidate?
Reader comment on item: Al-Marayati's Dangerous "Diplomatic" Ideas

Submitted by Wallace Edward Brand, Oct 12, 2012 17:58

Obama has embraced the Muslim Brotherhood despite the evidence in the Holy Land Foundation case of their conspiracy, since 1987 to infiltrate our society in order to subvert it. This was taken from a document labeled Explanatory Memorandum on the Strategic Goals of the {Muslim Brotherhood] Group in North America.

In 2005, the Swiss authorities found a document providing a 100 year plan for Islamic World domination.

Frank Gaffney shows instances of Obama's administration selecting people with Muslim Brotherhood ties being placed in senior executive positions in the Department of Defense, the Department of State, Homeland Security and the "Ikhwan have even infiltrated the Republican Party.

In his first speech abroad, in Cairo, Obama asked Mubarak to permit the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood to attend. They sat in the first row. Later, during the Tahrir Square riots, he insisted that Mubarak step down immediately. He was replaced by Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.

All this leads, including the al-Maryati appointment, up to the question, is Obama not a Manchurian Candidate but a Muslim Brotherhood Candidate?

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