No surprise
Reader comment on item: US Wavers on "Jewish State" Recognition While Cameron Endorses It

Submitted by Geppetto, Mar 14, 2014 17:08

This is further evidence that Obama is a Muslim apologist and sympathizer and a coward. Israel has few friends around the world, a fact that does not speak well for those who hold that view, including Obama. But he hedges, hems and haws, pretending to be a staunch supporter of the only democratic nation in the Middle East while hiding the fact, in plain sight, that he, in conjunction with his anti-Semitic SOS, are really looking for a way to withdraw that support by claiming Israel is the intractable road block to peace, not the militant, Muslim Palestinians who are no doubt ecstatic over their good fortune; "Palestine from the river to the sea." Obama will then do what he's intended since he became the POTUS; allow Iran to develop a nuclear bomb, after all, what could it hurt; other nations have the technology, including Israel, and the latter is free to fend for itself without any help from us. The man is a veritable evil genius intent on alienating former staunch allies and dismantling and weakening America, a country he hates.

Obama no doubt feels more comfortable and empowered by joining the Muslim, anti-Semitic mob. Bucking it takes American determination, courage and character all of which he demonstrably lacks. He is more than an embarrassment he's a menace and needs to be removed from office, post haste. Who will take this on? America is in trouble....deep trouble. That we brought this on ourselves and the rest of the peace loving world is no consolation.

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    Mar 14, 2014 17:08

    Comment on US Wavers on "Jewish State" Recognition While Cameron Endorses It

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