The whole truth
Reader comment on item: Controversy on Campus over Sharia Lecture

Jun 30, 2011 12:16

The view that some people take is that this woman was being silenced by being asked to not speak in a certain month. The speaker was not asked to refrain from speaking she was simply asked to change the date. This sit he type of religious accommodation that is made and many institutes in order to respect people religion not stamp it out as some have suggested the school has tried to do with Christianity.

The argument that the deans should have been involved because people were publicly speaking out about the event on the internet is the same as saying they should have gotten involved to say this person could not speak. Both the speaking even and the students public opposition are freedom of speech and are protected as such. That is what this school teaches. That even though you are opposed to what is being said no form of speech should be stifled unless it is illegal.

People are offended by what was said by the students and students were offended by the speaker being able to speak in a month that is sacred to their religion. Neither of these are illegal and neither were stopped because they are both protected by the freedom of speech.

There are presentations put on all the time on campus about different cultures and offensive topics. The students have a right not to attend. There has been no formal protest with picket signs about a speaker the students simply voices their concerns. The school did what they were suppose to do in asking the presentation be moved from September to try and please all parties. The speaker would be allowed to speak and the students would not feel their religion was not being take into account.

I believe the school acted in the correct diplomatic manner and that no one was harmed in the process.

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