Amir Mertaban at UCI
Reader comment on item: UC Irvine Speaker Stands with Hamas

Submitted by gary fouse, Jun 25, 2011 17:09

I was present at ther UCI event and can confirm that Mertaban was all over the place in running from the question about support for Hamas and their charter, but the video shows it.

I followed that question with my own about the statement of Mohammed al -Asi when the MSU brought him to speak at UCI about 10 years ago. The question was in connection with the May MSU preambule to all the speakers which rejected claims that the MSU was anti-Semitic.

The statement by Al Asi at UCI was that there was a psychosis in the Jewish community which kept it from living with other peoples (paraphrased). "You can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you cannot take the ghetto out of the Jew" (Exact quote). I stated that a comment ten years ago did not apply to the MSU of that evening's event, but asked if Amir considered the statement anti-Semitic. His answer was , "Yes, absolutely."

Now Amir gives this threatening recitation to folks like us which mentions Jews.

You see, the reason he hates being asked if he condemns or supports Hamas and their charter, is that if the condemns it, he is in big trouble with his people. So he avoids it and dances around it. That is what Amir did at UCI.

Gary Fouse

Adj teacher


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    ⇒ Amir Mertaban at UCI [226 words]

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    Jun 25, 2011 17:09

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