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Nov 26, 2014 10:55

It's going to be hard for ISIS to wage a true war agianst Israel, because it'll take moving too far away from the skirts they hide behind, when they remove their masks, and act like normal citizens when a real army makes itself present! Attack Israel, and see what a real army does to your little throat cutting cowards!!!



Submitted by JAY, Nov 18, 2014 12:21

Curious why I say Iraq ? http://www.globalresearch.ca/american-imperialism-and-the-rise-of-islamic-extremism-in-syria-and-iraq/5400508 … do you not know what really happened in world war 2 and now Iraq WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH


wu tang special forces

Aug 20, 2014 23:32

I think we should send the remaining 8 members of the Wu-Tang Clan over there with Cappadonna to take care of this entire situation.



Submitted by Mohammed Suqzdiq, Jul 6, 2014 23:27

"..."O ummah of Islam, the world today has been divided into two camps and two trenches … The camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of kufr (disbelief) and hypocrisy … all being led by America and Russia, and being mobilized by the Jews,".."

Let's hope America and Russia eventually act together to rid the world of this blight on humanity/


recklessly misleading post title

Submitted by IL, Jul 6, 2014 16:33

As admitted in the post body, the twitter account' is technically not making a threat of its own but citing Islamic prophecy; even the Hebrew scriptures predict a future holocaust of the Jews worse than that of any time ever (per Daniel), 2/3 dying (Zechariah), etc, and relaying such a prophecy is not necessarily a threat, but could be a warning. My point mostly is that I object to this post's title creating impression that IS (danger that it is) is worse than the alternative threat -- which imo it most certainly is not. And btw, since day 1 of ISIS march, I've noticed enemies of IS have been the ones pushing the attack Israel suggestions (for reasons of their own no doubt); it's to Israel's detriment for Israel supporters to confuse who primarily is doing this. - ER


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Chickens [59 words]


Nov 26, 2014 10:55

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Mohammed Suqzdiq 

Jul 6, 2014 23:27

recklessly misleading post title [139 words]


Jul 6, 2014 16:33

If the Jihadists were to try this [28 words]

Eric R. 

Jul 5, 2014 08:46

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